A Champion for Nonpartisan Voting Rights

From branding, to website development, to putting together coalitions in support of successful voting reform initiatives, IVC Media has been the arms and legs of the Independent Voter Project for almost 15 years.

A Brand for Nonpartisan Voters

IVC Media has developed and maintained the Independent Voter Project brand, including its news and organizational websites, for almost 15 years.

An Organization that Brings Reformers Together

IVC Media has helped the Independent Voter Project pass California's "Nonpartisan Primary" initiative, San Diego's "Measure K", and form the largest organization of national election reform organizations in the United States.

Dan Howle
Chairman, Independent Voter Project
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Without IVC Media’s strategy and execution, Proposition 14 would have never passed. And without IVC Media as our arms and legs for nearly everything we do, the Independent Voter Project would not have had a fraction of the reach, influence, and success for the last 10 years.